William Philip was born November 5th, 2009 at 3:24pm. He weighed in at 9lbs 1 oz (4112 grams) and was 21.5 inches long (54.6 cm). He was born with more jet black hair than any of my other children. We can actually comb his hair.

The time in the hospital was nice, but it is good to be home. The children absolutely adore baby Will and practically time each other when they are holding him. I am sure there will be many more entries to come concerning the baby, funny things to write from the children's comments etc.
In his hospital bedHere is one that was really funny, Mom hear Spencer and Sabrina talking while "watching" the baby sleep.
Spencer: "Well do you think this is the last one?"
Sabrina: "I don't know?"
Spencer:"Well he looks like the last one."
In his car seat ready to go home.
After his first bath at home.
After his bath, we combed his hair!
The lighting was really bad, so for some reason the side of William looks yellow, he isn't that yellow.