Trying to wait for Grandma and Grandpa got the better of Mia today. This photo was taken at 6:00pm, waiting was just too much to handle! I know I should wake her up, but the peace and quiet is nice!
2 years ago
Tristan came up to me before we left and asked super sweetly "Aunt Bonnie, Can I come in Your Car?" It was so sweet, I just pointed at my cheek for a kiss which I promptly received, and then there was a whoop and holler of excitement. So we tried to see if we could get Tristan to ask again, this time on film!
What a cutie, I can't even think of leaving these two little ones behind in a couple of weeks. So I'll go all Scarlet O'Hara "I wont' think about that right now. If I do I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow."