Last Friday we had the chance to go to a "Hytta". Which is a cabin in Norwegian. We went with a family from the branch, an American family, whose father works for Conco Phillips. Their company rents out a ton of cabins all over Norway. They have been going 3-4 times a year, usually visiting the cabin during the "off season". So going to the mountains in the summer and the water front cabins in the winter. This was right on the water, and was super big (by Norway standards), it was easy to see why it was booked all summer long! We had a great time playing board games, card games, watching a few movies in the evening and just being out of the house.
It was a 3 hour drive south from Stavanger, so it was really nice to get out a bit as we haven't had the chance since we arrived here.

Our children along with the Sheley's children up on the top floor of the "Hutta". Don't start dreaming too grand, there are only 2 levels. It was however, a great cabin and room for us all and more. It was beautiful and right on the water.

The "men" had a great game of Risk! This was fueled by the fact that in the morning they were off to see some German bunkers from the war!

Sabrina on the deck, it was a beautiful out look to the water, I can see why this cabin is booked all summer long.

Mia and Mary Alice, out on the deck .

The boys down at the German Bunkers!

Leading down into a ton of tunnels. I guess that some were really short, but there was one that went on and on and on. It ended at a large room with a huge table, and all sorts of things.

Spencer in the ruins. There was a lot of questions by this little guy about WWII. He will really enjoy studying this when given the chance at school. I don't think Kenneth had a chance to answer one question before the next one was asked! That is our Spence!

The Canon! As you can see from all the bundling up by the men, it was one COLD day. What you don't see is a lot of layers underneath their clothing as well. They have it all over here! Great long johns, wool long johns with feet (Espen's favorite), wool undershirts, and they are surprisingly very soft and thin and keep you super warm. Due to this cold we women stayed at the cabin (mostly for William's sake--he is suffering from a nose that doesn't know when to stop running) and we played tons of games!