Happy Smiles as we are on our way. I didn't know until we got on the plane that "Max" came with us as well. The plane ride was thrilling even though we had the "wing" in our view. 50 mins and we were there, comparing that with the eternal flights when hopping over the pond it felt like nothing.
Mia at the Castle. If you are thinking that this doesn't look like much of a castle it is because it is rather "new" for European time tables. I know when I think of a castle I think of the ones in England that have turrets and slots where you would shoot your bow and arrow in defending your turf. Or thinking of tall buildings with large moats around them and a draw bridge. Well in Oslo you will not find such a castle. If you have any knowledge of Norwegian history you will know that it was passed from Sweden and Denmark for eons. When they finally declared their independence the Danish Prince and his wife (who was Queen Victoria's granddaughter) and their son came over and started the royal family of Norway.
A few wild flowers that just had to be plucked from the Castle grounds!
This statue was found outside the theater. Mia thinks it is George Washington, just look at his hair! It is actually a representation of Ludvig Holberg. Born in Bergen.
The front of the National Theater.
I just loved the look of this old building. It is the Grand Hotel.
This is a real lady in gold. Mia was fascinated by her especially when she waved back!
The real reason she agreed to come, a Happy Meal. You see over here we rarely ever go out for dinner. So a trip to McDonald's is concerned quite special!
The trolls of Norway. Mia thought they were great!
Outside of what will soon be Oslo's version of Grand Central Station was this giant tiger statue.
Mia just had to take a photo!
On the bus ride back to the airport, completely tuckered out. She was a trooper as it is quite the walk from the main bus terminal to the Embassy, then back again. We were able to get all the paper work in and done so that was a relief, however, just as I was leaving the officer at the Embassy informs me that they were in Stavanger 2 weeks ago signing these papers so people wouldn't have to come all the way to Oslo! Thanks for the heads up on that one. Could have saved us about $400!!!!!!! Yes it really does deserve all those exclamation points! On the upside, Mia and I had a day together in Oslo City Center, 2 bus rides, 2 plane rides and a McDonalds trip to boot!