There is always something irreplaceable about a grandmother. My dear grandmother has been gone for almost 9 years now. Sometimes it seems impossible to have had so much time pass without her here, and other times it feels like it really has been a long time since I sat at my Grandma's kitchen for treats, games, and precious visits when Grandma would take a walk down memory lane. I was one of the lucky grandchildren who was able to grow up with Grandma & Grandpa just down the street, for most of my growing up years. To list all the things I loved about Grandma would make a very long entry, here are just a few:
-I love that she always colored her hair even after she was 80
-I love that she wore her fur coats and diamond rings to our basketball games
-I love that she had white high heel temple shoes
-I loved my birthday card with $5 in it every year
-I love that she could make porcelain dolls, and made every granddaughter one
-I love how she would always try to cheat at cards
My own mother is now my children's precious grandmother. She is so very much like her own mother. I know my children already have their list of why they love Grandma. For the girls it is that she always shares her VAST quantity of make-up with them, always letting them try a few lipsticks, and keeping one tube just for themselves. For Spencer, it would have to be her toffee and caramel popcorn at Christmas time. For Espen, he loves her kisses and hugs and that she'll always buy him whatever little trinket his mother says "No" to.

Where would the world be without Grandmothers, I am so thankful for mine, and for my children's grandmothers.
Yes I do believe I have become a little nostalgic while scanning all this old photos!
Bonnie, I love looking at your old photos! Keep going! I agree, there is something magical about Grandmothers. My own died 4 years ago and I still miss her everyday! Her ability to laugh at herself was one of my favourite things about her - one among many.