Today is my father's 60th birthday. I am feeling somewhat sentimental over the fact that I can't run and give him a hug and kiss on this special day. My dad will play it down, no fuss necessary, but I can't help reflect on the some of the lasting memories and favorite things about my dad, from the time I was little to now. Here are some of them.

-"The only difference is my hair is long and his is short!"- I was always so tickled when I was young that people would always tell me how much I looked like my dad, and that was my answer.
-If ever my class was small enough at BYU, (this means the professor actually took role) when they came to my name, they looked up and said "Phil?" "Yes, he is my dad." Then a smile would cross their faces, "I remember watching him play." This happened all but one time, that was in a religion class when the teacher happened to be from Southern Alberta. He went on to inform the class how in High School, Dad's team crushed everyone, and how he never got the best of that team. Good thing then I had an ace up my sleeve for such a scenario, you see, I had known earlier that this particular professor had dated my mother once. So with a air of confidence, I quietly reminded the professor, "That maybe so, but do not forget who my mother is." Needless to say he smiled, looked at me and laughed, and then went beet red!
-Walking into my mission Christmas Conference in the Harborne Chapel in England and shaking Elder Condie's hand. He looked at my name tag and paused "Who is your father?" "Phil" I said with a smile. He smiled backed and said I remember him playing with Kresimer, what a team!

-Many trips to the UofL pool when we were young, always stopping at Dairy Queen on the way home.
All of the grandchildren at Allen's wedding
-Knowing if we had been out a little late on a Friday night, all we'd have to do is get up early on a Saturday and start cleaning. So by the time Dad got back from his Saturday ritual of driving over to Raymond to shoot the breeze, he'd walk into the house with us hard at work, and wouldn't saying anything. (not that this happened a lot, at least not with Becky and me, Megan I think could have used this knowledge a little better to her advantage while in High School)
-Letting me drive home one night from a basketball practice in Stirling on the back roads. I think I was in the 7th grade (at most). We were in the big green station wagon, I think anyone would have felt safe in that tank, anyway, he was calm when he pointed out that I might want to stop for that cow in the middle of the road. Luckily I saw that cow, slammed on the break and said breathlessly "Now what?" The cow just turned his head and looked at me, dad said "Honk the horn."
-Watching Dad and his brothers play cowboys, on cattle drives. The stories for this are really an entry all on its own, especially if I can corner my brother Mark, he has the best stories of these days.

-His black box. Anything that was important or worth saving was in Dad's black box. So of course as a young girl, I put a photo of me as a baby in it!
-His words of wisdom through out the years "Patience is the KEY word!"
-Game Day Colonge
-Countless stories of growning up in Pink House, I still believe that there were aligators in the basement!
-Learning how to be "Street Smart" from Dad, course this is coming from the man that bought a car at night time, from a farmers field! Much to the joy of Megan and Allen.
-Watching Dad with his grandchildren, whether it is swinging with Mia, or hiking the football with Espen, counting the jumps in jump rope with Sabrina, or putting for birdies with Spencer, they all love their Grandpa.
I asked my children what they wanted to tell Grandpa on his 60th Birthday. Old practical Spencer said "Well, Grandpa has lived half his life!" then "Well, he was the first person to score a basket in the Marriott Center, that's pretty cool!" Mia said "Grandpa likes to swing with me!" Espen said "Grandpa is funny." Sabrina said "Grandpa is great!"
I could go on and on, needless to say growing up with Dad has been fun and an adventure. One I am glad I was a part of. I am sure my siblings would have lots to add, but if they want, they can start their own blog!
Love you Dad, and Happy Birthday!
Your favorite, right Al, let's be honest! :)
Quite the crew
Bonnie: Love your blog!!! What a neat tribute to your Dad--someone I admire as well. We are excited to hear about this new baby soon. Love to all there.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Aunt Linda