Espen about 13-18 months I think
He has a personality all his own and I love every inch of him. He has such an authentic Tollestrup on the outside, but I really think he is pure Kenneth on the inside.
-He finds humor in almost every setting, especially when his parents are trying desperately to have a spiritual teaching moment!
-He can not sit still for all the tumble weeds in Texas!-(apparently he saves this all for home, at school he seems to be just fine)
-Is completely & unconditionally excepting of everyone around him.
-Loves hugs and kisses and still, every now and then, loves to climb up into my lap for a little cuddle.
-Has a giggle that could send even Ebenezer Scrooge into fits of laughter.

His look-a-like Grandpa. Same smile and hair for sure!

Espen loved to put his hand up our sleeves, and through our shirts to rub our arms.
There are miles more I could write about our little Espen, who one day will become the Mr. Darcy or Gilbert Blithe of every girls' dream. (if I do say so myself)!
Espen checked this out of the library, it is one of his most beloved book to read!
Boys and their crocodiles!
The kids have been practising going cross-eyed lately. Espen has been the only one who can achieve complete success. A title he proudly wears!

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