This is the street where you will find the house that we live in.
This is the house that sits on the street where we live.
This is another view of the house that sits on the street on where we live.
This is the back of our car, with our favorite things, that you will find parked in front of the house that sits on the street of where we live.
This is the door you enter our house that sits on the street where we live.
This is our bathroom in the house that sits on the street where we live.
These are our laundry machines, you'll find them in our bathroom in the house that sits on the street where we live.
This is where the 2 girls sleep (for now...see bottom for explaination) in our house that sits on the street where we live.
This is Kenneth showing off our new fridge that you'll find in our kitchen, in our house that sits on the street where we live.
This is the milk you buy at the store in mass quainties, hoping they will last through the day, and you'll find them in the fridge, in the kitchen, in the house that sits on the street where we live.
This is the garage, where the boys sleep (see explaination) in the house that sits on the street where we live.
This is the door (on the left) that you entry our living room through, where you will find George Washington hanging over our piano, in the house that sits on the street where we live.
This is our living room (I've just turned around from the previous photo).....
This is the other corner of the living room....(I'm getting tired of typing!)
This is our picture of the Savior that this photo doesn't do justice too, that you'll find in our house that sits on the street where we live.
Explaination: We are renting this home from Kenneth's father, he owns 3 homes on our street (photos to follow). This house is currently cut into 2 apartments, we are living in the main floor right now, but as soon as the tenant upstairs moves out, and after a colossal amount of cleaning and painting etc. we will be able to have the upstairs as well. This will add 3 bedrooms and a bathroom. We are living very tight and snug right now and have adopt those choice words spoken of a very wise man once: Patience is the Key Word!

Kenneth's father's other house that he owns on our street, if you look closely you can see an American Flag in the 2nd level right window. There are 4 missionaries that live in that apartment, something fun for the kids to grow up with, having missionaries around!