Before Ann left Norway we took a drive after the children were finished school. We drove out to a place called Byrkjedal. It is on the way to where the nearest ski mountains are located. It is just a beautiful drive and when we stopped there is a little shop, farm (well really just a few goats), a restaurant, and a few little cottages where one could stay overnight.
Espen on the tractors out front.
Espen on the tractors out front.
A typical Norwegian Troll.
A-hoy.....This cool little ship was carved out of wood. I think the children have seen the Narnia preview a few times.
Mia steering another wonderfully carved vessel!

This is what the roof of the goat pens look like. All sorts of plants growing and it gives it a true fairytale feel. The purple heather was so beautiful next to all the different greens of the grass and moss.
The 3 Billy Goats Gruff crossing the little bridge. As much as we looked and searched we couldn't seem to find the troll who lives underneath!
This is what the roof of the goat pens look like. All sorts of plants growing and it gives it a true fairytale feel. The purple heather was so beautiful next to all the different greens of the grass and moss.
This was the little "farmer's cottage" they had for us to go in and take a look. It was a one room cottage, and I think it was what they called a summer cottage, not used in the winter months. It was so quaint, the weather that afternoon was as still as ever, not even a whisper of a breeze. I couldn't capture it on film, but you are surrounded by tall rocky hills. I guess you call them mountains, they weren't the imposing kind of mountains that made a place feel frightening, but more of a majestic type of mountain that made the little place seem magical.
Not 5 minutes up the road from Byrkjedal was a place called Gloppedal. Apparently 10,000 years ago during the ice age, melting glaciers caused all this stone, boulders, rocks (what have you) to form this picturesque place. It looks over a little valley through a tiny fjord. The children of course had a field day here. Mia, on getting all wet at the previous stop by playing with one of those huge granite stones the rotate around in water, decided to fix her dilemma of what to do with a wet t-shirt was to simply go in her undershirt!
What a crew!
What a crew!