This is a photo of 2 of the Isherwood girls (Ann's Daughters), my companion and I filling the Elder's car with shredded newspaper at about 5 am! L-R: Sister T. (Me), Rachel, Erin, Sister Faria!
Here is our Ferry boat, just leaving port as we pulled up, we seemed to have the timing down packed as we missed the Ferry both ways by about 1/1000th of a second!

The hike of all hikes. It was A LOT steeper than I remembered, A LOT longer than I remembered, but just as beautiful as I remembered!
The hike of all hikes. It was A LOT steeper than I remembered, A LOT longer than I remembered, but just as beautiful as I remembered!
World's own stair master. This is the steepest part of the trail, I think. It was quite daunting to look at from the bottom knowning you were going to have to climb UP that. About 1/2 way up I realized one scary thing, we'd have to come back down as well.
The next day we dragged our VERY sore legs out of the house and headed "Downtown". I haven't really been downtown since we got back to Norway so it was fun to explore a little and see new things, new shops and have a good time. Ann was very partial to this hat.
The 3 Swords. Not far from the city center, on the outskirts of town lies a monument of 3 swords. Apparently there was a HUGE Viking battle here, many, many, many years ago.

Ann loved this sign. It actually says "Relief Socoety" in Norwegian. Ann thought it said "Help a Foreigner." She was well impressed that we had an entire builten board dedicated to Helping Foreigners! It was a wonderful weekend, full of girlie chats, fun food, near death hikes, ferries, and the joy of being with an old friend.
Ann loved this sign. It actually says "Relief Socoety" in Norwegian. Ann thought it said "Help a Foreigner." She was well impressed that we had an entire builten board dedicated to Helping Foreigners! It was a wonderful weekend, full of girlie chats, fun food, near death hikes, ferries, and the joy of being with an old friend.
We had a great time on Monday as we took a trip out of Stavanger near Frafjord, close to were the waterfall (earlier entry) is. We did another little side trip which will become the next blog entry. Right now William needs some attention from his mother and I have children trying to desperately make toast, snacks and basically destroy what little order I had left in that kitchen.
I think it would be nice if RS was called Helping Foreigners....