So we set up the tree about.....2 weeks ago! I just love Christmas and I love my tree. It was the biggest item we shipped over when we moved. I just couldn't leave it behind!
As you see we just made it, I think there is about 1/2 inch clearance if that!
Someone couldn't resist once the camera came out!
Most people are shocked that we have the tree up so early, but I love decorating the tree, having it turned on a night. My mom always has the prettiest trees ever year. She has an amazing eye for detail, where to place what decoration etc. I think last year she decorated all us girls' trees! She came to Utah because William was born, so she did Megan's and mine. Then back home to do Becky's before she even did her own! Her trees are lovely, Dad will huff and puff about all the trinkets and "things" Mother puts out for Christmas, but I do believe he is the first one to plug in the tree in the morning! It always reminds me of the time when Mom and Dad got a new electric blanket for their bed. Having a King Size bed they had the "duel" controls for their blanket. Which of course was the whole point. Patience cease to be the "key word" when it was time for set up, no time for directions, just slap that blanket on and plug it in. (Dad was doing the setup) Anyway come to find out many days later, they had the wires crossed. Dad controlled Mom's side of the bed while Mom controlled Dad's, and you are asking yourself how long did it take before they undid the wires and sort it out.....they never did! They would just reach over each other to either turn up or down the controls! I know there is a reason for this story.....Oh yeah, Dad would moan and groan about the blanket, telling anyone who would listen that is was just not necessary. However when we would climb up the stairs at night to go to bed, it was like a lighthouse on a hill this little red light coming from Mom and Dad's bedroom. Who would be all tucked up in bed with the blanket on you ask? Dad (I am pretty sure Mom was still downstairs folding laundry).
So Dad may moan and groan, huff and puff a bit and His favorite saying is that the border control has Tai Pan on speed dial and as soon as Mom crosses over the call is place! We all know though that he loves the house looking like it came out of a magazine for Christmas. When you walk into the house with a frost bitten nose and the house is smelling like Christmas cookies, music playing and that beautiful tree sparkling is there a better place to be? I dare someone to try to find it!