This is such a great video that I thought I'd do some similar interviews among my children and Kenneth and myself and see what we're thankful for. Since my little Mia is the only home and not taking a nap here is her list:
Mom and Pappa, puppy (her stuffed puppy dog), William, Bella and Tristan, Blake, Megan, Grandma and Grandpa, Hot Chocolate, all the missionaries (they are our neighbors and come over often!), Espen, Dee Dee (Sabrina) and Spencer, the house we live in, her bear, her bed, Max & Ruby, the TV, poka dot (stuffed dog), popcorn, Uncle Al and Aunt Angie, Esther's Mom and Dad and family, Emma's family (this would be Mark and Deanna and crew), Norway cousins, that Pappa is her primary teacher, singing.......there is more I'm sure but William woke up and I have a Relief Society Meeting. Yeb I got a calling, 2nd counselor in the Relief Society, can't believe it either. Should be an interesting few years.
More interviews to follow in the upcoming days. So stay tuned!
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