Monday, March 21, 2011

Update on the lastest!

Time seems to slip away from me before I can even take a deep breath. There haven't been too many earth shattering events here so here is a quick update on what has transpired!

-We had our Relief Society Birthday Party, of which I was incharge of. There were many hours put into that evening, and I now have a new respect for those people whose job it is to edit movies. I decided to make a short little video to show the sisters. After much help from our ever computer genius brother-in-law Rune, and several "chats" across facebook with Jan (from England) I started on the journey of making a video. This journey is not for the feeble mind, after 12 hours the video was finished, and it was 6 minutes in total length!
These 2 cakes were done by some sisters in our ward. On the first one that long word is Releif Society in Norwegian.
-The children have been doing amazingly at school. It isn't any easier and there are those days when no one wants to go. However, they are all choosing to speak Norwegian to those around them, even if those people know English. The speak a great deal to their father now in norwegian, it is so fun to hear them communicate in another language. Amazing too. Mia is learning a little bit as well I think we're going to try to get her into a little preschool 2 mornings a week to see if that can help her with the language. I know that a month of school she would be speaking a ton!
-William cut all his molars and that was quite the time. Unlike my other children who seemed to pass through this phase with ease William did not! They are however, all up and he is eating like a true Tollestrup boy, mash potatoes and gravy are the favorite of any dinner!

1 comment:

  1. that is beyond cool Bonnie about the kids speaking to their dad in Norwegian! Sounds like things are going well over there. I love reading your blog and staying updated on your life over there

