The veiled lady, craved out of marble, and you can see through the "veil" and see her face, and yet it is all out of marble. AMAZING--probably on of the most stunning things in Chatsworth House.
I just loved the shape of this desk and chair!
Tried to get the stair case didn't quite work too well
Can you imagine this as your house! People still live there!
Long hallway in Chatsworth.
Dinning Room
They have a marble hall full of cravings in marble. If you have seen Pride and Predjuice (the Kera Knightly version) this is where they filmed Mr. Darcy's house!
Gardens were AMAZING!
Check out that tree.
Jan and I by some HUGE leaves.
We left Chatsworth and met up with the Gregsons! Our dear friends from Wymount Days!
This is Karen and Spence, she knew him when he was 2!
Saul and Mani Gregson! I knew them as little babies, they've grown up so much!
Our last day, leaving Lincoln (my 2nd area of my mission). Jan, Jared, Spencer and I out front of their house. We did drive around Lincoln, but it rained a lot when we did, so there aren't any photos. We had a blast and I want to go back ASAP!
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