Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Finding the Silver Lining

Sometimes it can be a treasure hunt to find the silver lining in a tough situation, like trying to find the remote control for the TV after a long day of work! Other times it is as easy as finding all your clothes that have reappeared in your magical drawers and closet. (You will remember these magically places from your childhood: you wear clothes, get them dirty and they magically appeared days later in your drawers or closets: clean, pressed and ready for another day). As mothers though, you often wonder where all these magically fairies have gone now, and pray that they someday will return to fill your drawers and closet with freshly laundered clothing!

Last Friday Kenneth and the children had a slight mishap while entering the freeway, lucky and thank heavens no one as hurt, but our precious family mini-van.

Having been in completely the wrong place at the wrong time, the van took for the "team". Thank goodness none of this was Kenneth's fault, the other driver has complete responsibility for the accident.

So our silver lining for this situation is that now we get to drive around a 2008 VW Jetta! Kind of fun for a while.

On a little side note, I just received a message from my dear missionary companion, Janet, good luck in Preston. So wish I could be there.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Bonnie, I know you'll be there in spirit!! Sorry to hear about the mini van, though, but very glad to hear that neither Kenneth nor any of the children were hurt! You're having quite the time of it. Love ya! xx
