Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Miles to go Before I Sleep!

As I finally settled things down tonight, I walked into the laundry area to claim some clean sheet for the boys beds. I think you could hear me sigh clear to Canada. The phrase that cropped into my mind was the ending of that famous Robert Frost Poem: Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
And Miles to go before I Sleep
And Miles to go before I Sleep!
Hopefully soon, dear reader, I'll be able to look as peaceful and content as our little Mia, who by the way, has taken to falling asleep on the couch since her father has left. Mia has been pampered beyond reason by her Pappa, and simply refuses to slumber solo, or in her own bed for that matter. So occasionally while waiting for mother to finish with baby William, Mia will succumb to the fatigue of the day all on her own!

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