Sunday, September 26, 2010

Update of the Here and the Now.

I titled this entry the "The Here and the Now!" because I sometimes feel that is all I hear all day long. "Mom come HERE!" "I need this NOW!" "Is Pappa HERE yet?" "Can we go Home NOW!" That last comment usually is heard during the last hour of church!
The last week has been filled with sliver linings for our little tribe over the ocean. Mia has made a little friend, just her age that lives at the end of our street. And can you guess what her little name is: Yes, Mia as well. The 2 little girls were introduced last evening out on the street and took no more than a few seconds before they were giggling and sharing secrets like long lost friends. Before a blink of an eye there were many Mr. Potato Heads created by these 2 little girls. If only it would be so easy for the older ones!
School is still a torn in the older ones sides, so it seems. However, I feel like they are learning how to cope, deal with, and survive the few hours they are out of my sight learning the language. They do look forward to attending the "real" elementary school after Christmas. They could stay out the school year at their current school, but we feel like it would be good for them to met the children who live close by, so the next summer doesn't drag by like molasses trying to climb a mountain!
The children's norwegian is coming along. Sabrina is practially fluent, Mia is saying quite a bit as well. The boys aren't so quick to speak, although I do believe they understand more than they let on. I know this because during a norwegian conversation they will answer correctly in English.
It is Sunday night and I am not too fond of the knowledge that my weekend is over. Before I know it, it will be Saturday again and my laundry will sill be as high as it is now!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, the adjustment will get easier...the Lord never gives us anything that He can't help us through and bring us out happier on the other side. We seem to have learned this a lot recently. Most of all, have fun and enjoy that gorgeous part of the world for me, I can't wait 'til we can manage a trip over there.
