Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What We've Been Up To.

We've been up to a tons of things lately, and it seems there is rarely enough time to snap a photo let alone upload to the blog. So I'm going to combine a few photos and events in one entry mostly because William is asleep and I have only so many minutes.

This is right out our front door, there will be a new drive way up to the garage that has been being built this summer. So one day Kenneth and the boys helped his father in jackhammering away the old drive way.

Espen is always the first one out to help when machinery is envolved. Notice his choice of working footwear, very apporiate for construction.

Spencer had a good time "chipping" away at the old ashphalt.

Will is growing up so fast, this photo is taken right after his 3rd haircut. This one was the 1st all over haircut though, the previous ones were just around his ears, or the top of his head. He is starting to crawl now and walk all around holding onto the couch. Where has the time gone?

One sunny afternoon we were invited by the Lundegards to take a little trip on their boat. Somehow we were able to snap a bunch of pictures, but none of the actual boat itself.

Einar and Elin, captain and first mate!

Mia, with her life jacket, ready to go out to the bow of the boat where she loved to be.

Sabrina, Ane, and Emma sitting on the bow of the boat, they had a great time.

Mom and William enjoying the boat ride.

As we were driving home there was a cruise ship at the harbor, this a fairly big one, however, during the summer there were 2 HUGE ones docked there. It is really fun to go down and watch them leave the harbor on a beautiful sunny day.

We stopped at an island called Langoye(this would look better if I had the Norwegian alphabet on my keyboard). We had some brownies and the kids got to run around a little bit. When the sun is shining and there is just a breath of wind, Stavanger is such a beautiful place. I had never been out on a boat around some of the islands that we went by. There are some AMAZING homes with little matching boats houses right on the water. One day, after we make our millions, I'll come back and buy us a summer home on the water!


  1. Looks like you guys are having lots of fun! We check your blog almost daily to see what is new. Thanks for being so good with it. We miss you guys!!

    Love, Aunt Deanna

  2. Ha! and my family thought I was daft to get Max's curls cut off from around his ears and he is MILES older than William ;) Glad to know I am not the only one who likes baby boys to have baby boy hair and not baby girl hair!
