This last weekend had it share of memorable moments. From my ultra sound to the 4th of July, our weekend encompassed an enormous amount of emotion! So I won't be like those games shows where you must wait with baited anticipation........the suspense

is over, we're having.......another BOY. I would have scanned in some of the ultrasound photos, but to be honest, they weren't very good. I have definetly had better ultrasounds in my past. Do not fret, however, all was well with the baby (I think, if I didn't ask questions, I won't have known anything, the nurse wasn't the most talk-a-tive one I've ever had!). We came home with 6 baby blue balloons for all the kids!

July 4th started and ended with a bang! We all rushed around and made it to the parade with not a moment to spare. Of course I can't WOW or AMAZE you with any photos of the parade as I forgot the camera on my rush out the door! Mia was the highlight for us, she only waved to the local beauty queens in the parade!
We played football, frolic on the swings, jumped on the trampoline, had a water fight (which Allen lost with great dignity), ate and napped the rest of the day. My sister Megan and her family along with my brother Allen and his wife joined us, of course my parents are still here! In the evening we all waited with baited breath for the fireworks to start. Poor Sabrina was hard to console as we could hear the Jonas Brothers "rock" out the Stadium at the "Stadium of Fire"! The fireworks were all we'd hoped them to be, even after we thought they were over and went inside only to be rushed out again as we discovered them to start again!

Overall a great weekend!
Another boy! How exciting! Boys are super fun you know!!! What are you going to do with all your pink things? Congrats!!!