Sabrina is a lot like our little roses, she is beautiful, full of life and loves to blossom when the sun is shinning. If there is a tree, she'll climb it. If there is something new to eat, she'll try it (not like her brothers who won't come close to trying anything new, not even for a few George Washingtons). She is as independent as an Elizabeth Bennett with the imagination of an Anne Shirley.
She is 8 going on 18, some days I would like to tell Father Time to go on holiday and let her be this age forever. Mind you, since her uncle put her on his lap and let her "drive" through the church parking lot, she has been informing me of her exceptional ability to drive a car. "Why wait until I'm 16, I think I am ready now!"
Somehow I know that these next 8 years will take flight and be gone before I have a chance to put away the folded laundry.
And speaking of laundry, the thoughts of it are lingering in the back of my mind, trying to break through the muddle mess of 10,000 things passing through all at once. You mothers will know this phenomena, the thoughts of : What's for dinner? Where's my swim suit? Where's my favorite "pink" cup? That's whats for lunch? What do you mean we're not allowed to leave our Otter pop wrappers lying all around the house.....we have to eat those outside? Practise Piano....isn't it sunny outside? and so on and so on.
A little side note: A Happy Canada Day to all those in the Great White North. May the Raymond parade last more than 10 minutes, and may there be as much candy thrown, as there is at Halloween. :)
Just have to say, Bonnie, I love reading your blog! Love ya loads. xx