So I took one photo of our newest success! Our zuchinni and cucmber plants have grown so fast, I would have thought some wizard flew by and shot them with a growing spell......maybe skelegrow for plants! (Yes we're waiting for Harry Potter to come out with great anticipation) :)
A Great discovery today also was one little pumpkin in our pumpkin patch, there are a gazillion flowers, so we'll keep you posted on when more are found! Who ever thought finding hidden pirate treasure was all there was to search for.......finding little hidden vegge in our garden sends a ripple of pleasure straight t
o our hearts. I'll probably post more photos of our garden especially as we watch all our little green tomatoes grow and turn red!
So anyone with cucumber and zuchinni receipes....send them this way!
Mia's reaction is quick when I have the camera out.
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