Monday, October 25, 2010

Growing up so Fast!

The blog has been slightly neglected these past couple weeks as the days seem to speed along like the ICE trains in Germany. If you have never ridden one of those trains, write it down on your bucket list because it is an amazing experience. So I am here now, having 5 minutes to myself, updating the family on our little guy who seems to never stop changing. He has grown up so much since we left Canada, I can hardly believe some of the photos. So without further rambling on my part here he is:

We are thinking that little Will does have green eyes. They are a very unique color. I hope to have some great little photos taken of him soon for his first birthday, so check back for those soon. Hopefully he won't be 2 before I post them!

1 comment:

  1. William looks about 6 months older than the twins....your little baby is no more I fear....
